February 8th (Thurs) We have participated in the Needle Requiem again this year.

The main office and branches of OSARECOMPANY has participated in the「Needle Requiemon February 8th (Thurs).

The needle requiem took place at the following places.

Tokyo Office: Senso-ji

Nagoya Office: Wakamiya Hachimansha Shrine

Fukuoka Office: Kego Shrine

Niigata Office: Niigata Gokoku Shrine

Tokyo Office

At Senso-ji, we have visited the Awashima Shrine to give appreciation and prayers to improve needlework by putting old and broken needles through tofu, which is called the「Hari Kuyoue (Needle Requiem). Each staff put 1 needle through the tofu to give thanks to the passing year and to pray for the safety of the year to come.

Niigata Office

The needle requiem performed in unfortunate weather in Niigata was held in a snow scenery. The requiem was performed by purification, prayers, and burning of the needles.

Nagoya Office

Large tofu and konjac were prepared in Nagoya under the clear blue sky. By sticking needles in both, the staff wished for improvement in technique and safety for the year to come.

Fukuoka Office

We have finished our needle requiem under clear skies at the Kego Shrine in the middle of the city’s center, Tenjin.

As the Kego Shrine was the only shrine performing the ritual in the city on February 8th, there were many attendees.


The needle requiem has been complete, and this year’s needle usage has officially started.

We ask for your continuous support in OSARECOMPANY in 2018.